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(And Murder. And Mayhem.)

We’re the Mary Roberts Rinehart Pittsburgh chapter of Sisters in Crime, a group of crime fiction and mystery writers. Our chapter is located in the greater Pittsburgh Metro area. Our parent organization is Sisters in Crime, Inc. AKA “SinC.”​


Since that date, SinC has grown to become an international organization of writers, readers, booksellers, librarians, editors, agents, reviewers, and teachers. We are an inclusive and welcoming community. All are welcome to join our group – including misters! Visit SinC international to learn more about our parent organization SinC.

Along with SinC, our chapter mission is to “promote the ongoing advancement, recognition, and professional development of women crime writers.”

Sisters in Crime was founded by Sara Paretsky and other women writers in 1986 at the Baltimore Bouchercon convention to provide much-needed support and increased visibility and recognition for women crime fiction and mystery writers.


Lucky Charms Anthology Cover with a red background and various charms in cream and biscuit colors strewn across the page. The title is Lucky Charms, subtitle is 12 Crimes and the note on the bottom says: From the Pittsburgh Chapter of Sisters In Crime, Inc.

Inside LUCKY CHARMS you’ll find twelve crime tales from the members of the Mary Roberts Rinehart Pittsburgh chapter of Sisters in Crime, Inc. You’ll dig into gritty police procedurals; enjoy a spangle of suspense; tuck into a cozy or two; and thrill to a cool touch of noir. Each story tells a tale of surprising good luck or of good luck gone sour.

We invite you to brace yourself for an entertaining read.


Grab your copy now from Mystery Lovers Bookshop or, or wherever ebooks are sold (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iBooks).


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